Last week I was given the Versatile Blogger award by two different bloggers! Can you say WOW!! I was so excited!! I am just so glad that I have readers, let alone being given wonderful awards!
So Thank-you Chels @ Catz In The Kitchen
Amy @ Ready Or Not
3.) Pay it forward and award the Versatile Blogger to 7 recently discovered new bloggers. (I changed it from 15 to 7...I have seen it done both ways!)
Okay..Here it goes!
Seven things about myself...
1.) I am the person who would rather work by myself than with a group of people. This especially pertains to anything artsy or crafty!
2.) I am NOT a sports fan in any shape or form!
3.) My newest addiction is Cherry Dr. Pepper!
4.) For the most part I have self-taught my self to sew. My mom does help me out when I am having trouble. However, this can be difficult through the phone! She lives 3 hours away!
5.) I would rather bake desserts than cook a meal.
6.)I am horrible at doing laundry! If it were not for my husband we would be in trouble! My multi-tasking falls short here! I tend to forget to move the clothes to the dryer!
and lastly....
7.) I LOVE MY FLIP-FLOPS!!! I hate it when my toes are squished into shoes! UGH! My feet and toes feel so FREE in my flip-flops!
These are the awesome blogs that are receiving this award from me!!
1.Connie @Measured By The Heart
2. Allie @ Miss Lovie
3. Nicolette @ Momnivore's Dilemma
4. Allie @ Next 2 Nothing Crafts
5. Mariesa @ Ten Cow Chick
6. Kristen @ Turning A House Into A Home