This is WAY to long of an ADVENTURE to write in one there will be more post to come on this one! :) It is also why I have been MIA this past week & half! :)
I really wanted to post about this as soon as I f0und out last Monday. But being the skeptical person I am, I just could not do it!
Ok....So last Monday afternoon my husband came to school to share some news and to bring me lunch. The news was that he had won an all expense paid trip to the Academy of Country Music Awards in Las Vegas. He really should have video tapped my reaction. Umm...I basically told him that I was stressed already and had too much to do and that it was probably not real.
(Insert...what a quick way to burst his bubble!)
Did I mention that he said we would fly out on Friday??? Like in 4 days??
He had originally signed up for this trip in Oct. or Nov. I of course had not known this. He registered through a fast food burger chain called Back-Yard Burgers. One of the main sponsors of the ACM's was Dr. Pepper. My husband has a few contacts through Dr. Pepper. He called them up and did verify that the person that sent him the registration to fill out was indeed a person that worked for them.
Ok..(insert...I felt a little bad about my whole reaction) But, I did have a ton of things that had to be done last week. Not to mention at school we would be starting standardized test on the next Tuesday.
Anyway, we were told that we needed to decide by 4:00 and let them know. Ok...we both got to makin' calls trying to figure out the details and how we could pull this off on such short notice.
We have 2 little ones, which was really the biggest issue. We have actually never been away from them for more than 1 night at the most.
So fast forward...we did make all of the necessary arrangements and were off to LAS VEGAS Friday afternoon!
To Be Continued.....