Here is a brief look into how the Mermaid costume was created!
about: a 1 1/2 of blue felt
shimmery fabric for scales
blue and green tulle for scales
1/2 yard of matching cotton fabric for the top
a piece of blue shimmery fabric
First, I cut the Mermaid tail out of a piece of freezer paper. I also cut my scale shape out of freezer paper also.
Lay out the piece of felt. I folded the entire piece of felt and cut it down the side. The felt was then folded over and the tail was cut out using the pattern piece. I was really excited after cutting the tail! It looked just like our vision!

The blue fabric piece was used to make the top of the Mermaid costume. I folded the material in half and then trimmed it up on the sides so that it would be the same width across as the tail.
I fold the material again, and cut out arm holes.
I sewed ribbon down the tail and sewed on the scales. I ended up using about 3 0r 4 layers for the scales. I really wanted the scales to show up in the pictures!

I sewed ribbon to both sides and to the top.
The goal was to have a costume that would be very versatile. We needed it to fit a wide range of girls!
I also made a quick little accessory to go with it!
Here is the finished product! Everything came together and looked amazing! I asked for a volunteer for this blog picture and one of our 1st grade teachers happily agreed!
Serious Picture

Fun Picture

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