At this point in my summer, I have to start thinking about going back to school. (Sadly enough, my summer is going to be coming to an end way too soon.)
I changed rooms for the first time in my 10 years of teaching. It is bittersweet! I have REALLY BAD allergies and the room that I have been in the last 10 years seems to have only made them worse. (A member of our K-team retired this year. So I ended up deciding to move into her room to see if it would help my allergies.)
Like I said..bittersweet…It really was time for a change! Change is good! (see I am just trying to convince myself..that this is a good thing!) Anyway, I have been at school trying to reorganize and set up a new classroom. It is hard when you have been in the same place for so long. The rooms are mostly the same, but not quite. The layout is different enough that you have to rethink your room layout.
So…while I was there I thought I would share a cheap/fun kid idea with ya! (Sorry, I was unusually wordy today???)
Noodle Fun
Swim noodles before:

Swim noodles after:

Okay, basically you just use a knife and cut these bad babies up! Mine are about 3-3 1/2 inches wide. In my classroom, the kids sort them by colors and by shapes. (some of the noodles were flower shaped) I also cut some long pieces of rope for them to string them onto to make patterns.
I am sure there is more FUN to be had with these!! Just let your kids explore/play with them and see what they can think up to do with them!!!
Keep a look-out for these to be on sale soon! I think I got these really cheap at the end of the season!
I am linking here: